Das Wechselspiel zwischen kultureller Aneignung und Kunstfreiheit

Café Maulbeere, Foto: Melanie Stummhöfer
22. Jul 2023, 16:00 Pfarrhof St. Sebald

In close cooperation with "folker", Germany's biggest music magazine for song, folk & world, a supporting programme has been created in the Kapitelsaal of the Pfarrhof St. Sebald, which complements the concert programme with interviews, discussions and lectures and continues it thematically.

A panel discussion with musician Ronja Maltzahn, Abyan Nur, expert on black feminism, cantautore Pino Barone, Faisal Osman, member of Black Community Foundation in Stuttgart and singer KiLuanda. Moderator: Nadia Kaiouli.