street music

Foto: Pfeiffer
Foto: Niklas
Foto: Niklas
Foto: Niklas
Foto: Niklas
Foto: Niklas
Street music at the Bardentreffen

What would the Bardentreffen be without its street musicians? Probably only half as nice. In addition to international music stars on the festival's official stages, a diverse street music scene has established itself in the city's squares and alleyways. Singer-songwriters, choirs, bands and soloists from near and far transform Nuremberg's historic Old Town into a fascinating, lively concert stage.


basic rules

1. renunciation of amplifiers:
We ask for your understanding that the use of mains and battery-powered generators is not permitted during the performance (no cables for musical instruments, amplifiers etc. due to the risk of tripping). A power supply with accumulators for an acoustic amplifier up to a power of 50 watts per individual or group is permitted.

2. reduced volume:
We appeal to the fairness and common sense of performing artists to behave considerately towards their colleagues and to allow their performances to be heard. Mutual drowning out through loudness should be avoided.

3. closed zones for street music:
Some streets and squares are closed to street music for safety reasons. Bridges in particular are popular with many singers, but it is precisely there that music-making leads to crowds of people and thus to congestion on the main roads. An overview of the restricted zones is available for download, please ensure that you observe these restricted zones!

4. times:
Street music is permitted until 23:00 on festival days.

5. length of a performance:
A maximum of 1.5 hours may be played at the same location. After that, the location must be changed so that other buskers also have the chance to play at a suitable venue.

6. number of musicians:
Music groups may play with a maximum of seven people.

7. distance:
A sufficient distance must be maintained between the individual buskers/street music groups so that there is no multiple sound reinforcement.

8. sale of sound carriers:
Only self-produced sound carriers may be sold during the performance.

9 Liability:
The individual busker or busking group assumes full liability in the context of his/her performance (for obstruction, injury to persons, etc.).

10. cancellation of a performance:
In the event of non-compliance with these rules (in particular if safety or volume is endangered), a busking concert will be broken up by the police, security or the organiser's staff.

11. Registration / permit:
A registration / permit for street musicians is not required on the three festival days. However, compliance with the rules described here is mandatory.

Further rules for street music can be found in the general ruling, which can be downloaded here (German version only). 

Download pdf General ruling on street music Bardentreffen 2024
Download pdf Restricted zones for street music