Was bedeutet die Debatte für die Programmierung eines Festivals?

Café Maulbeere, Foto: Melanie Stummhöfer
23. Jul 2023, 15:30 Pfarrhof St. Sebald

In close cooperation with "folker", Germany's biggest music magazine for song, folk & world, a supporting programme has been created in the Kapitelsaal of the Pfarrhof St. Sebald, which complements the concert programme with interviews, discussions and lectures and continues it thematically.

An expert discussion with Rainer Pirzkall (artistic director Bardentreffen), Hans Strecker (Bayern 2, music editorial department), Tobias Bolfing (alpentöne internationales musikfestival and TOURBOmusic), Susanne Göhner (cultural manager) and Avra Emin (Board of Directors Forum der Kulturen Stuttgart e.V).

Moderator: Petra Rieß