
Mutual consideration

If you feel uncomfortable, for whatever reason, please do not hesitate to contact our security staff or the staff in the information booths. Your safety and well-being are very important to us. We rely on the active participation and support of all of you. Please be attentive, respectful and look out for each other.

Film and photo shoots

Guests of the Bardentreffen agree that the organiser - without being obliged to pay any remuneration - is entitled to have image and sound recordings made of the event for documentation and self-promotion purposes, and to reproduce, broadcast and use these. These rights are unlimited in terms of time and space. Thank you for your understanding.


If you are asked to leave the venues due to a dangerous situation, the first thing to do is to keep calm!
You can leave the open venues in almost any direction. Be sure to follow the announcements over the loudspeakers and the instructions of the police and security staff. Follow the green emergency exit banners.

Waste disposal

Please help to avoid or reduce waste! In addition to the municipal rubbish bins, there will be extra rubbish bins at all venues. Please use the numerous rubbish bins provided. Thank you very much!

Tripping hazard

In order for us to be able to supply all facilities with electricity and water, cables and hoses have to be laid on the ground. Although these are marked, we ask you to keep your eyes open so that you do not come to any harm. If you notice a tripping hazard, please do not hesitate to contact us (0911-231 2000).

Severe weather

Thunderstorms can occur quickly. We monitor the weather situation and warn you via the loudspeaker system. You should also look out for signs of severe weather such as a sudden increase in wind, storm clouds and thunder and seek a safe place: cars, underground trains, trams, buses, churches, car parks, surrounding buildings. If you cannot find a safe area: Keep your distance from stage structures, tents, loudspeaker towers, flagpoles, lampposts (at least 1 metre, preferably 3 metres) and trees (10 metres).


If it rains (no storms, no thunder or lightning), we try to keep the concerts going as far as possible. The concerts will be interrupted in the event of heavy rain or severe weather. If the weather improves, concerts will be continued. 


In strong winds and storms, avoid trees and wooded areas (e.g. on the venue Insel Schütt). Branches and twigs can break off and fall. In this case, please seek a safe area.

First aid

Paramedics can be found at thevenue Hauptmarkt north of the Frauenkirche (so-called Brautkehre) and at the Insel Schütt behind the stage (see site plan). At all venues, you will find additional help from the stage staff, who are equipped with bandages for minor injuries. In an emergency, you can always call 112.


Police stations are located at Jakobsplatz 5 and Theresienstraße 2. In addition, the police are constantly on patrol in the city centre. In an emergency, you can also call 110.